US soldiers lives Not more valuable than innocent Iraqis
David Holcberg dishonors the Ayn Rand Institute in his letter “Hamstrung by the rules” Saturday, August 25, 2007 in his response to Diana West’s ("Killed by the rules," Op-Ed, Aug. 17).
It is not only immoral, foolish and counterproductive to put the “safety of American soldiers above anything else” it is un-American.
US soldiers don’t join the military for safety. They join it to make our nation, our constitution and the American people in safe. They volunteer their ‘service’ in this light. Their willingness to lay down their lives in support of that primary goal is their job and that what makes them so honorable.
Those willing to die for their country without dishonoring our nation’s commitment to protecting inalienable human rights and “liberty and justice for all” are the real heroes. Those soldiers who think their life is more valuable than an innocent civilian is no different than any other soldier around the world who chooses to defend a tyrannical leader and the murderous government they lead. I don’t believe killing innocent people is what Ayn Rand believed in or would have endorsed in any way.
We (and our soldiers) have the freedom to live and die for those things we believe in. Not the right to kill innocent people on the chance that it might save our individual lives.
Any willingness to kill innocent Muslims in order to protect our military soldiers occupying a Muslim nation only works to aid Osama Bin Ladin’s recruitment efforts everywhere in the world. Only by not “offending Muslim sensibilities” will we have any chance of winning the war against such radical murderous Muslims.
Chuck Woolery