This is only the latest such national security warning
regarding the serious and growing threat of infectious diseases. There have been at least six others over the
last two decades, a few of which were authored by US defense and intelligence agencies
and national security experts. As this
latest report emphasizes again, ignoring these warnings is as great, growing
and inevitable risk to American lives, freedoms and prosperity. Equally as great a threat as war or terrorism.
2. Man-made bio security threats are also an increasing risk
given the exponential advancements in biotechnology, its increasing ease of
use, affordability and global availability to virtually any buyer. The benefits of such technology in the hands
of scientists committed to combating a wide range of illnesses including those
in this newest report cannot be overestimated.
But, given the dual use nature of this technology the capacity for intentional
abuse and the creation of unprecedented bio weaponry can also not be overstated.
And, there is always the risk of
accidents and unintentional releases of both natural and designer pathogens.
Another recent report closely connected to this bio
threat and also worthy of urgent public and policy maker’s attention is from
the Commission on Global Security, Justice and Governance.
http://www.globalsecurityjusticegovernance.org/ Its 85 recommendations focus on the need for
global justice which if implemented would directly and significantly reduce both
the natural and designer threats of infectious agents.
This dual increase in security would be
achieved by effectively addressing the global economic inequality, unmet human
needs, and human rights violations that are at the root of nearly all
individual, national and global security threats. A focus on improving on old
global institutions (and building new ones when needed) that can effectively
provide early detection, rapid response and most importantly preventive measures
given the economic and human costs of relying on existing capacity.
Thirty-six years ago a bipartisan Presidential
Commission on World Hunger offered stern warnings regarding the infectious
diseases, terrorism, war and environmental damage we could expect if we didn’t adequately
address the global crisis of widespread hunger, starvation and malnutrition. Given the inevitable links between the human insecurities
of their report those commissioners unanimously suggested we raise ending
hunger as a foreign policy priority within the context of US National security interests. Looking at today’s headlines they appear
genius. The failure of both the Syrian
leader and the existing UN international system to address the unmet human needs
of Syrian farmers driven off their parched lands by a three year drought eventually
sparked the Syrian civil war which accelerated the rise of ISIS. Perhaps it is time that both the American
public and policy makers take commission reports and their recommendations seriously.
Problems and threats in the world
appear to be growing while our existing global structures and systems remain impotent
at preventing or addressing them. Time
and money is running out. The wisdom of
making solid global investments in new and improved global structures for early
responses and adequate prevention of most human security threats should now be painfully
obvious to all, if they are really serious about national security.
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